3 Fast And Easy Ways To Lose Weight In A Week

3 best ways to lose weight in a week! It’s a tendency we see everywhere. To lose 2 to 3 Kg weight in one week is, absolutely depends on your metabolism speed and some factors unique to you, including your body composition and physical activities.

In this post, I will exactly provide you with 3 best ways to lose weight in a week and these methods will be the fastest ways to lose weight.

So how to lose weight in a week faster? With this diet plan, you can look at 2 to 3 Kg of weight loss in a week (7 days)…

Getting slim can be difficult and quite tricky because of the incredible restrictions like hard exercises in the morning and lower-calorie meals that often leave us starving, unsatisfied and losing energy.

Not more! With this 7 days diet plan, I assure you to lose weight fast and you will feel wonderful in just a week — without starving in the entire week.

This weekly diet plan will allow you to eat 3 full meals per day, including a portion of healthy vegetables and fruits, and additional snacking between the meals.

Now I am going to tell you 3 best ways to lose weight in a week — the fastest ways to lose weight:

How To Lose Weight In A Week Faster — 7 Days Diet Plan

So if you want to know how a one-week diet plan works? Just keep reading and follow each step, then you could drop 2 to 3 Kg weight and also an inch off your waist — that’s cool!

Eating Plan For Breakfast to Lose Weight In A Week

Breakfast is the most necessary meal of the day. So never skip breakfast when you are trying to lose weight. Eat omelet, poached eggs on toast, or boiled eggs with a small portion of vegetables, if you really want to lose weight faster.

The intake of sugar in your meal may increase the risk of obesity. If you don’t like eggs in breakfast, there is another option for you in your 7 days diet plan.

Okay! Add low-fat yogurt, fruits, dry fruits, and oats in a bowl and mix, you can also whisk if you like a rich smoothie. You can avoid dry fruits if you don’t like to eat them.

Never eat too much! Eat everything but in a small portion.

Because the stomach takes 20 minutes to tell the brain that it is full.

Seriously! I am not just kidding. So eat slowly and stop eating when a little hunger remains.

Midday Snacks

Try mixed nuts, Greek yogurt, apple slices with peanut butter, or a salad of mixed veggies in the midday. Red bell pepper with guacamole is also a good idea.

If you have crave of sugar and sweets, you can take a spoon of peanut butter because there are very low calories in peanut butter.

Eating Plan For Lunch To Lose Weight In A Week

Beans and legumes with a small portion of protein will be great at lunch. Treat yourself to chicken or tuna in a small amount with a drizzle of lemon or olive oil. Plus, you will also enjoy homemade soups in winter because soups are low in calories. Intake of sweet potatoes, pitta full of protein or salad, and avocado is an excellent choice too, but control yourself from bad fats such as pasta and cheese.

Afternoon Snacking

Here the best way to go if you‘d like to lose weight in just 7 days is with more green veggies and fruits. Walnuts and almonds are higher in fat but great for you at this moment, and a small handful of seeds: i.e. pumpkin or sunflower.

Eating Plan For Dinner To Lose Weight In A Week

Eating all of Your Meals Early within the Day Might help you in weight loss. A little study suggests that eating all of your meals earlier within the day may control hunger and boost fat reduction.

So make sure that you go to sleep after 2 to 3 hours of dinner.

However, a massive-big salad with a lot of meaty edibles like Guava/ orange or a bowl of berries (strawberries, litchi) — not just green food! — is a great option. Try an enormous source of protein like rice or chicken breast. Allow yourself to take slow-release carbs at this point of the day, fish will be the best choice.

At the point when you choose what you need to eat, you connect with the lower part of your cerebrum, the part that inspires you to organize nourishments that will give you joy at the time over long-haul prosperity.

“Planning your meal ahead of time associates with an altered piece of your cerebrum. The part that is ready to weigh up the results of your decisions. “

Light Exercises That Help To Lose Weight In A Week

The second faster way to lose weight in a week is light exercises. These exercises will be easy to follow and mind-blowing which helps to improve mood.

Here are the 5 best and light exercises that really help to lose weight in a week faster:


Walking is one of the best exercises because it is easy and convenient, and walking exercises burn calories and help us stay fit.

Harvard Health estimates that a 70-kg person burns around 167 calories with 30 minutes of walking at a moderate pace of 6.4 km/h.


Cycling is a very popular exercise, and it assists to stay fit and weight loss. It is best for every age group; it is a low-affected exercise, so it would not place much pressure on joints.

According to Harvard Health, it’s estimated that a 70-kg person burns approximately 260 calories per 30 minutes of cycling on an immobile bike at a diminished pace, or 298 calories in 30 minutes on a cycle at a diminished pace of 19–22.4 km/h.


Swimming is an interesting way to lose weight in a week and get in shape.

According to Harvard Health, it’s estimated that a 70-kg ( 155-pound) person burns around 233 calories per half hour of swimming.


Yoga is a famous way to weight loss, exercise, and relieve stress.

According to Harvard Health, it’s estimated that a 70-kg person can burn approximately 149 calories per 30 minutes by practicing yoga.

While it’s not thought of yoga as a weight loss exercise, it burns a good amount of calories and extends many additional health advantages that can improve weight loss.


Pilates is an absolute novice-friendly exercise that may assist you to lose weight.

8-week research in 37 middle-aged women found performing Pilates exercises for 90 minutes 3 times in one week actually decrease waist, hip circumference, and stomach compared with a lead group that did not exercise over the same time.

CCP Formulae

CCP Formulae stands for Calculate, Change, and Plan.

Let me explain this with an example. If you are 20 years old and active in your daily routine (studies and work). Then you need 2600 calories (for boys) or 2000 calories (for girls) per day. If you take over 2600 calories, you may become obese. On the other hand, if you take less than 2600 calories, then you will become weak.

According to the CCP formula, you have to take calories according to your needs, depending on your activities, age, and gender.

Let’s apply these formulae to yourself in 3 easy steps, which absolutely helps you to lose 2 to 3 kg in just 7 days.


Calculate your weight with a weight loss calculator. Also, calculate your intake of calories per day and calories you burn in a day, age and gender as well.


After calculating, change your diet, exercise routine, and calories according to your needs.


Last, plan a new routine i.e, diet, exercise, and calories according to your activities.

If you apply this formula, I am pretty sure that you can lose 2 to 3 kg weight in a week. And if you take calories that you actually need, then these calories will burn in your activities. Plus, with light exercises, you are on the way to a healthy lifestyle.

Now, I would like to hear from you. Let me know if you have a question in the comment section and share it with your friends who also want to lose weight in a week.